Where are we located?
We are located in Switzerland in the Canton of Vaud.
Where do we travel to collect your items?
We travel to collect your items between Geneva and Lausanne as well as in the Ain region in France. We also travel to competition grounds located in Switzerland and France, which you can find in the "upcoming events" section.
How much margin do we take on your items?
We take 30%. This includes travel, photos, posting on our site, visibility on our networks and sending the products.
In what condition are the items visible in our store?
All items posted on our store are in very good condition and will have been washed carefully.
What size item do we collect?
We take all sizes from child to adult and pony to horse size.
Is it possible to try the saddles?
We travel to your stable between Geneva and Lausanne as well as in the Ain region in France for saddle trials. However, it will not be possible to keep the saddle for a longer trial.
How long do we keep your items in storage?
We keep them for 3 months at the agreed price. After this period, the price will decrease by 20%. If the item is still not sold within 6 months, it will be returned to you.
When will payment for your items take place?
When one of your items is sold, your payment will be made at the end of the month.
Are there any shipping costs?
Shipping costs are your responsibility in the amount of 7 CHF. However, from 3 items purchased or 150 CHF of purchase, we will come to deliver to you.
How long does it take for our packages to be delivered?
All packages are delivered to your home within 4 working days.
How can we contact you?
Use our store's contact form or send us an email at contact@inlau.ch